Oh, The Holiday Breakdown


I’m pulling from the archives this week. As we approach another round of holidays, I’m reminded of how lists play a role in the festivities. Even the least organized among us desperately resort to lists to manage survival.

  1. The mom who baked five hundred cookies in 5 hours bullet points a list of the reasons she loves her kids enough to do it, and by the end of the 5 hours, she doubts every one of those reasons.
  2. The unhappy in-laws (or out-laws as they like to be called) conspire over 10 ways to get out of Thanksgiving next year.
  3. The money-conscious come up with penny-pinching techniques;
  4. The time-management disabled brainstorm ideas for cutting activities;
  5. And kids keep count of the number of gifts they have compared to their siblings.

My own holiday list from the archives is my favorite sort of list. The kind that celebrates the epic, holiday breakdown. We’ve all been there.

The Official Guide: How to Lose Your Cool Over the Holidays