Under Deconstruction

20130314-133608.jpgIn our more broken moments, the veiled hours hidden from view, we find pale representations of ourselves. We feel thin and worn with the constant grating of life’s demands. With that veil momentarily lifted, we have a unique opportunity to see ourselves as unencumbered humanity.

This humanness is terrifying to all of us. So terrifying that we cloak it in anything and everything we can find to avoid it. We cloak it in image, humor, accommodation, triviality. If we face who we are, who we are without props, we’re terrified that we will be as thin as we feel. We’re ashamed of how little we have to offer, and we’re afraid that what we do offer will be despised.

If we are as thin as we feel, no one will love us, accept us, desire us, or stay. We’ll be left alone, desperate for a resonant voice to soothe us through.

We may think this is the end. But it’s merely the beginning. This is how the process of deconstruction begins. A process where we unpack our formerly held views about life, love, relationships. This is the beginning of a journey towards grace, humility, and freedom. Are you curious about what comes next?

2 thoughts on “Under Deconstruction

  1. Melissa

    Curious about what comes next? Yes. Afraid of what that might mean to get there? Yes. Good things to think about, though. Thanks for sharing!

    • aj Post author

      Hi Melissa,

      Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate you sharing that there’s fear as you face these changes. My next post talks some about how to process through that fear. I hope it’s helpful as you consider the journey.

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